Saturday, September 4, 2010

"Souper" Bowl Luncheon

One of the most successful events I threw for our teachers in February and we made it a annual thing because it was so popular was what we called the "Souper" Bowl Luncheon. We did this the Friday before Super Bowl every year. Each member of the PTA would bring in a crockpot of different soups. They were homemade chili, tortilla soup, bean soups, taco soup etc... If they were homemade the person would bring in copies of the recipes. We decorated the table like a football field (you can either buy a premade table cloth at a party store) or you can make one out of those big rolls of color paper the school has. Football bowls for chips and all that fun decor you can find at a local party store or $1 store (during Super Bowl season). To stay in the theme also I made up invites that look like tickets that were a football them. You can make this as fun and elaborate as you please.

The Teachers really enjoyed this and it was pretty inexpensive since everyone donated a crockpot of soup. The decor was really all that we had to pay for. You can also reuse the decor each year too so its a pretty good deal.
This is a sample of the invite I used. I printed a bunch out and put in the teachers boxes.

1 comment:

  1. could you possibly send me an editable template for this? carlamentry at gmail dot com. thanks in advance - supercute!
